The news of Ona Ekhomu’s death is shocking and a sad one as the entire nation mourns the departure of the popular security analyst.
We at Gist Flare joined in sending our condolences to the family of the bereaved and pray for the strength and fortitude to bear the lost.
We have written a exclusive Ona Ekhomu profile containing facts we know about the former security personnel.
Dr. Ona Ekhomu Biography
Dr. Ona Ekhomu born March 1955 was a popular Nigerian private security expert, Chairman, Transworld Security Systems.
Ekhomu was also the founding member of the American Society for Industry Security (ASIS) International in Nigeria.
Dr. Ona Ekhomu was the sub-editor of Bendel Newspapers Corporation, residing in Benin City, Nigeria
He also served as the Program planner Iowa Department Transportation, Ames. President Pittsburgh Trading Company.
Ekhomu also worked with Trans-World Consultant, Inc., Pittsburgh, Trans-World Security Company, Pittsburgh.

Ona Ekhomu Net Worth
Ona Ekhomu was a top security expert with an estimated net worth of $1 million.
Dr. Ona Ekhomu received several awards of honor during his time of service.
He has also held leadership positions in the private security sector in Nigeria and Africa at large.
Dr. Ona Ekhomu Wife
Ekhomu got married to Victoria Omonigho Esangbedo, the marriage took place on December 19, 1981.
Ekhomu and his family had been living happily untill is dead.
Ona Ekhomu Death
Ona Ekhomu died on August 9, 2021, after brief illness.
May his soul rest in peace.