Renowned Fuji musician King Wasiu Ayinde Marshal, affectionately known as K1 De Ultimate, has announced the passing of his mother, Alhaja Halima Shadiya Anifowoshe, who lived a remarkable life until the age of 105. The news was shared through K1’s official media channels, where he expressed his gratitude for the time they shared and posted a touching photo of them together.
Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu and President Bola Tinubu have both offered their condolences to K1 and his family. They praised Alhaja Anifowoshe as a strong matriarch who played a significant role in supporting her son’s successful music career.
The community is coming together to celebrate Alhaja Anifowoshe’s long and fulfilling life, marked by her dedication to family and her lasting impact on those around her. Her legacy will continue to inspire and influence the lives of her loved ones and fans alike.