Gist Flare respect the right of the copyright holders and as such we are open and willing to cooperate with the original owner to make sure infringing content is removed completely from our platform.
In a situation where you find any infringing material on our platform which you are the rightful owner, kindly reach out to us with prove of ownership and we will resolve the issue.
We will respond to takedown requrests in compliance with the requirements of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other intellectual property laws.
In a case where Gist Flare uploads your content and it infringes on your copyright file, kindly reach out to us through email with a takedown request, and include your full information and URL to the song, video or album on Itunes, Spotify, YouTube, etc.
Email: info[@]
While sourcing and writing articles, our team of writers make sure errors are avoided, but in some cases there might be error, either typographical or informational, so in this case kindly call our attention and it will be corrected. Send us mail at info[@]
Biography and Net Worth
We publish celebrities biography and net worth on this website and we make sure we get relevant information before publishing.
In a situation where you find any information incorrect, please reach out to us with the correct and verified information and we will update it immediately.
Some of the celebrities net worth are estimated, which means they may not be the exact figure. In a case where you have the exact net worth, kindly let us know.
Send us a mail to: info[@] and we will attend to you in 24 hours.